Monday, November 24, 2008

Nordin Montong

sape nordin montong ni kan...hang kenal dok? dia ni arwah dah...ala kena baham dek harimau kat zoo singapore tuh. harimau putih kan...igt x. ni kat bawah bace lah story pasal arwah mase time dia nak kena baham tuh. ade vidoe skali, tp nanti la aku post kan. story nih aku dpt kat blog isuhangat. silalah bace k...

1.Mula mula Nordin Montong 32 th, jumpa kawan kawan dan beritahu mereka:"Bye bye. Engkau org TAK akan dpt jumpa aku lagi selepas ini" (ganjil kan kalau org cakap gini ?) (macam org buang tebiat, nak mati)
2.Dia naik basikal.
3.Pergi ke kawasan Buaya, BUANG semua kad kad dalam wallet di kawasan buaya ini. Pelancong Australia nampak & mereka HAIRAN kenapa org buang barang di kawasan buaya ini ?
4.Dia berjalan dalam air ini sambil "memanggil manggil" Harimau.Di tangan nya sebelah pegang baldi & sebelah pegang penyapu lidi.
5.Harimau (pertama) DENGAR dan pergi cari "yg memanggil manggil". Macam kita juga,kalau "bunyi bising" kan kita akan TENGOK.
6.Nordin Montong berjalan mengharongi air, menuju ke arah Harimau & semakin "mendekatkan dirinya"
7.Seekor Harimau (yg kedua) datang. Kedua dua Harimau merenung Nordin.Dengan jarak "yg sangat dekat" Nordin dah mula rasa takut. Dia kata: Ya ALLAH tolonglah aku. Aku salah. Maafkan aku.
8.Org ramai menjerit (utk kasi Harimau DISTRACT) (supaya dia TAK gigit Nordin) & pelancong (org putih) baling payong ke arah Harimau, tapi tak kena. Budak melayu yg ambil gambar video, suroh Nordin turun dari batu dan masuk ke kawasan air (pasal Harimau TAKUT air)
9.Nordin takut, ambil baldi & tutop kepala, kemudian mula turun. Bila dia bergerak, seekor Harimau mula tepok Nordin (tahu lah tapak tangan dia "berapa punya besar ?"). Orang ramai terus buat bising, supaya Harimau TAK apa apakan Nordin. Kedua dua Harimau kebingungan, tengok org org yg buat bising.
10.Dalam masa Harimau (yg dua ekor kebingongan) (pasal bising), datanglah lagi seekor Harimau. Harimau yg ketiga ini YANG GIGIT & SERET Nordin (macam dia bawa anak dia jalan)(macam kucing angkat anak dia gitu lah). Di bawa nya ke dalam (kandang)
11.Pegawai zoo, doktor haiwan, polis etc masa ni dah tunggu. Pegawai zoo memanggil Harimau harimau ini utk masok dalam kandang. Mereka masuk. Dengan segera, Doktor berikan rawatan pada Nordin...... ..tapi dia DAH Meninggal.

ermmm..camne, suspen tak. tp aku heran gak, nape lah dia p masuk kandang rimau gitu jer. taw la rimau tu ganas kan. ntah ler, hanya allahyarham nordin jer tahu jawapannyer..... ^,^


Anonymous said...

THE grainy handphone video was recorded secretly, then quietly passed around, from worker to worker.

Simply titled 'Alan beating worker', it shows a former supervisor from Sun City Maintenance assaulting one of his foreign workers.

Sun City, a cleaning contractor, was the employer of cleaner Nordin Montong, 32, who was mauled to death after jumping into the white tiger enclosure at the Singapore Zoo on 13 Nov.

Now a video has emerged showing a Sun City supervisor beating a worker. Checks with the Manpower Ministry revealed that the company was fined in October for overworking its workers and depriving them of annual leave, among other things. (See report on page 4.)

The video, lasting slightly over one minute, shows 'Alan' standing with his workers on a road outside a storeroom at the zoo, apparently waiting for the company truck to take them home.

He is berating one of his workers, whose identity is not known.

The worker backs away and is heard defending himself, saying that he has not done anything wrong.

Alan shouts Hokkien expletives in response and challenges the worker to a one-on-one fight.

Another man, who appears to be a Sun City manager, tries to restrain Alan. But at one point, Alan breaks free and kicks the worker in the stomach.

The worker backs off, Alan continues to taunt him.

The worker tries to reason with Alan. Twice, he raises his arm at Alan to make a point but each time, he quickly retreats, always making sure someone else is between him and Alan.

Grabs worker's hair

But about halfway through the video, Alan suddenly reaches out and grabs the worker's hair, yanks him back and starts raining blows on him.

There are at least 15 other workers nearby, some standing just an arm's length away. But no one intervenes.

The Sun City manager, who was initially trying to restrain Alan, stops trying and steps aside.

The worker cowers and covers his head with his arms from the punches. Then, Alan throws him to the ground and the pair continue to struggle.

The beating is broken up when a man, wearing a yellow shirt with a walkie-talkie strapped to his belt, intervenes. He shouts at Alan to stop.

The worker takes the chance to escape and runs to hide behind a fellow worker.

The man in the yellow shirt orders Alan to back away and has a heated exchange of words with him.

Then, he takes out his walkie-talkie and starts speaking into it. The video ends here.

The cause of the incident, which happened about three months ago, is not known. And Sun City has refused to comment.

But the video has been circulating among Sun City workers and employees of Wildlife Reserves Singapore (WRS), the parent company which runs the zoo, Night Safari and Jurong BirdPark.

It was sent to The New Paper a few days after the white tiger mauling by a WRS employee, Lawrence (not his real name), who is a friend of the cleaners.

He declined to have his real name published as he fears losing his job. But he told The New Paper: 'I am not happy that Sun City was portrayed in a positive light after the white tigers incident. I want the truth to be told about how they treat their workers.'

After Mr Nordin's death, which is still being investigated by police, Sun City was reported to have paid for the $3,000 in funeral and transport expenses.

It also claimed to have donated an undisclosed sum to the family.

The company's operations director, who gave his name as Jason, also accompanied the body back to Kuching, Sarawak. Jason was quoted as saying that the company was arranging counselling for the other workers, as the company was concerned that they may be traumatised.

The company's actions in the high-profile incident earned it praise, with a Straits Times forum writer praising Sun City's actions as 'noble and laudable'.

But Lawrence, who works with the Sun City workers, said: 'In reality, the video shows a workers was subjected to verbal and physical abuse.'

He claimed that Sun City workers have complained to him about punishment meted out 'when they are disobedient'.

Lawrence added: 'They say the supervisors control them very tightly.'

Once again, Sun City refused to comment.

Alan, the supervisor in the video, left Sun City two months after the beating incident. It is not known if his departure is related to it.

In the aftermath of Mr Nordin's death, reports that he was earning a monthly salary of more than $1,000 from Sun City - almost five times the RM550 ($230) he got at his previous job in Sarawak - upset his co-workers.

Lawrence said: 'They said it was not true that they were earning so much.'

Lawrence claimed that the workers told him they were supposed to be paid $25 a day. That works out to be $775 for a full month's work of 31 days.

But workers said part of their wages go towards paying the agent who brought them here.

At WRS, Sun City workers perform tasks such as cleaning the enclosures, clearing dry leaves from roof tops and jet-spraying algae from footpaths.

Lawrence said: 'It is physically demanding work.'

But he said that the workers were given one day off once every two weeks or, sometimes, once every month.

'So they are always very tired. We (zoo staff members) sometimes give them a bit of rest now and then because we know they are working hard.'

If workers ask for a day off at the last minute, and if there are no replacements for them, they are docked three days' pay, Lawrence said.

A Sun City worker corroborated this point, but declined to elaborate.

The worker initially agreed to The New Paper's request for an interview on his day off, saying he 'wants people outside Sun City to know the truth', but later backed out.

When we contacted Sun City's office, the company repeatedly declined to comment on either the video or the allegations of worker abuse.

What is clear is that Sun City has got into trouble with the Manpower Ministry before for its treatment of workers.

When contacted, WRS said that it 'has not received any negative feedback about cases of ill treatment' from its staff members.

It also maintained that the man with the walkie-talkie in the video is not a WRS employee.

'As we are unable to confirm or deny the accuracy of the information, we will leave it to necessary authorities to investigate the matter.

'Singapore Zoo is committed to ensuring the well-being of our employees,' a WRS spokesman said.

Lawrence, on the other hand, said he is '100 per cent certain' the man with the walkie-talkie is a manager from the Night Safari's operations department. He provided us his name.

He claimed that many WRS employees are aware of Sun City workers' situation.

'(WRS employees) often give workers their own meal coupons or buy them lunch,' he said.

Lawrence said that WRS employees have often encouraged Sun City workers to speak up.

'But they are afraid to lose their jobs. Some of them are here for only a few months and they prefer to tolerate it, get their money and go home,' he said.

Meanwhile the mystery surrounding Mr Nordin's death remains unsolved. Why did he choose to die in this sensational manner. That fateful day, between 7am - when he had a pleasant long-distance telephone conversation with his mother in Sarawak - and lunch, something snapped.

He seemed distressed and had told fellow workers, 'Goodbye, I won't be seeing you again'. He had also thrown the contents of his wallet into the crocodile enclosure.

Why we might never know.

Anonymous said...

Saya kenal... saya adik ipar arwah... gambar itu gambar anak buah arwah...

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